Acoustic research and software development firm REDIacoustics has announced a new range of room optimisation services based on its AI-powered NIROTM [Non-Cuboid Iterative Room Optimizer] tool. REDI ROCS [Room Optimization of Cuboid Spaces] is a streamlined process that gives artists, engineers, podcast producers and content creators insight into the acoustic conditions of their rooms with an easy-to-understand report designed to educate, inform and offer clear recommendations on how best to optimise the space.

REDI ROCS: Room Optimization of Cuboid SpacesEmploying a combination of studio design techniques and AI algorithms, NIROTM has already been used to optimise acoustic conditions of critical listening rooms in more than 200 studios. REDIacoustics’ new range of accessible room optimisation services break these concepts into easily digestible and actionable steps that make it easy to understand and get the most of a studio space.

‘The REDIacoustics approach benefits from over 40 years of acoustic experience within some of the world’s most celebrated recording and listening spaces,’ says REDIacoustics co-founder Dr Peter D’Antonio. ‘Having affordable options has always been a goal for REDIacoustics as a company, and our new services allow us to share these experiences with people looking for simple, more cost-effective solutions that can be implemented in their spaces today.’

In addition to these new services, REDiacoustics has created an Acoustic Treatment Calculator that can be used free on the firm’s website to get a preview of the possibilities that room optimisation can offer within a given space.

‘With the boom in home recording and content creation, more people than ever before are using rooms in their homes and offices as critical listening spaces,’ adds REDIacoustics co-counder PK Pandey. ‘Ultimately, we’re looking to demystify acoustics and educate the public on how easy it can be to be on the path to a better sounding room with the implementation of a few simple techniques. Excellent sounding rooms are not just for multi-million dollar recording studios anymore – we want people to know that you can implement these solutions anywhere.’


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