Solid State Logic has released SSL 360° V1.6, a software update that enhances its range of controllers and compatible plug-ins.

Solid State Logic 360° V1.6New features introduced in the V1.6 update include increased DAW integration for VST3 DAWs, Midi CC (Continuous Controller) Layer, customisable softkey colours, and follow selected track functionality for SSL’s UF1 DAW Control Centre. Additionally, there are updates for the 4K B, Channel Strip 2, Bus Compressor 2 and Meter plug-ins.

Specific SSL 360 V1.6 updates and enhancements include enhanced DAW Integration via SSL 360° that sees the UC1/UF8/UF1 controllers offer tighter integration with VST3 DAWs like Cubase, Nuendo, Live, Studio One, Reaper and Luna. This integration provides control of DAW faders, pans and sends from UC1/UF8/UF/the 360° Plug-inMixer. The new integration also synchronises the DAW track colour and displays longer track names.

Additional UF8 and UF1 templates include pre-configured Harrison Mixbus and Reaper DAW templates for UF8 and UF1. SSL 360° Plug-in Mixer enhancements feature collapsible sections, a scalable GUI with two different Zoom views, and the ability to control A/B, HQ Mode and Undo/Redo directly from the Plug-in Mixer.

Midi CC for UF8 and UF1 provides control of virtual instruments, sample libraries and Midi equipment. CC controls can be mapped, renameed and coloured across UF8 and UF1 Midi CC Layers.

UF1 workflow enhancements include automatic track follow in select DAWs via MCU and improved Fader Select channel scrolling for improved access to all tracks in a DAW session.

Customisable RGB softkey colours allow users to select from 12 different colours for any of UF8’s 43 or UF1’s 46 rubber softkeys. UF8 & UF1 Cubase/Nuendo MCU update offers selection between +6 and +12 fader mapping.

Hardware enhancements include adjustable brightness for UF8 and UF1 hardware, setting via SSL 360° Control Setup page to reduce controller brightness in dark studio environments.

The Bus Compressor 2 gets scalable GUI options, while the 4K B and Channel Strip 2 receive advanced settings, including Width Mode (Full, Low, or High with settable frequency), Compressor Auto Make-up on/off with adjustable reference level, and Analogue VCA Fader modelling on/off for 4KB.

SSL 360 V1.6 is a free update that can be downloaded from the SSL Download Manager app or from the ho,e page of the SSL 360°. The supporting updates to 360°-enabled plug-ins (4K B, Channel Strip 2, Bus Compressor 2 and Meter) can be downloaded from the SSL Download Manager.


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