Crown Audio's I-Tech HD Series power amplifiers have been selected to drive the exceptionally powerful Ultra Electroncs HyperSpike Mass Notification Systems used in many civilian and military applications.
Designed by Wattre Corporation and manufactured by Ultra Electronics (USSI), the MA-1 HyperSpike devices deliver extremely loud, highly intelligible voice communications and alert signals over distances of more than a mile-and-a-half. HyperSpike is recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world record holder for loudest electro-acoustic projection device at 182.2dB @ 1m.
‘Our technology revolves around the discovery that audio energy can be focused,’ says, Wattre Corporation President, Curt Graber. ‘The HyperSpike speaker designs are extremely effective at projecting loud, clear signals over long distances. When we looked for a suitable amplifier for our Mass Notification products, we chose the Crown I-Tech HD Series for its performance, long-term dependability and also its light weight, which was an important factor in the design specification for this product.’
HyperSpike models are in service with various domestic and international military, private and law enforcement users. Notable users include the United States Army, United States Navy, United States Coast Guard, the French Navy and the Malaysian Navy.