AC Audio and Shure UK are host Digital Wireless Days to demonstrate Shure wireless solutions, decode the jargon and explain why the future of wireless is digital. Two free events will be held at AC Audio’s UK headquarters in High Wycombe on 9 August and Northern sales office in Leeds on 11 August 2016.

Digital Wireless Days The RF (radio frequency) spectrum used by wireless microphone operators has experienced rapid change brought about by the digital TV switchover and the rise of mobile phone ownership. The present demand for clean spectrum is greater than ever. As the airwaves the industry operates in continue to evolve, so must the technology that is used. Digital wireless systems are the future of radio microphones but the technology behind them is still frequently misunderstood.

Taking place in AC-ET’s demo facilities, these events will feature a range overview and ‘hands-on’ training session with Shure’s Axient, UHF-R, ULX-D, QLX-D and PSM1000 wireless systems. A range of topics will be covered, including The Importance of Wireless, UK Spectrum Legislation, Principles of Radio Transmission, The Digital Advantage, Changes in the RF Noise Floor, and Visualising the RF Landscape.

The all-day events begin at 9:30am with tea/coffee, get underway at 10am and finish at 4pm. Complementary refreshments will be provided, as well as a conducted tour of the company’s facilities.

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