Stardraw Design 7.2 is reckoned to Stardraw’s most sophisticated design/documentation product to date.

Stardraw Design 7.2

Among the new features it brings to the system design, documentation and control package is PDF Import with improved support for AutoCAD-generated PDFs, support for Unicode symbols (eg kanji), improved support of diverse image formats, enforcement of correct grid size and support for hatches.

The PDF import feature enables a PDF file to be imported that creates a new project with a drawing tab for each page in the PDF. Vector PDFs are converted into editable vector drawings in Stardraw Design 7.2, allowing editing of text and other objects, including lines, rectangles and arcs, as if they were native SD7 drawings.

‘This is a great feature that has seen significant improvements since it was first launched six months ago,’ says Stardraw CEO, Rob Robinson. ‘The use of PDFs over DWG/DXf file formats is becoming more and more frequent and poses a significant challenge for integrators because they cannot be edited. Our powerful and improved PDF Import feature solves the issue and is unique in the market; no other A/V system design tool enables you to import a PDF and convert it into an editable, resolution-independent vector drawing.’

Other enhancements are the addition of support for externally-referenced files (XREFs) when importing from DWG files, and the addition of support for RackTools files. RackTools 3.5 is the Middle Atlantic Products rack design software developed by SD7.2 can now be used to edit RackTools (.S05) files.

Improvements have also been made Library Synchronization process. Already 8eight times faster than in SD7.1, synchronisation has been improved to eliminate ‘hangs’ when there has been a synch error. When an error is detected for any particular manufacturer library, that library will be re-synchronised in its entirety. Additionally, the symbols library now conains almost 100,000 symbols from more than 800 manufacturers. 

‘The fact that user figures are improving month-on-month and year-on-year is testament to the fact that the software is doing its job, and we are doing ours in ensuring that it is always the very best that it can be,’ Robinson says.


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