Calling on Nexo’s proprietary Hyperbolic Reflective Wavesource (which is used throughout the Geo range), the 45°N-12 wedge monitor takes line-array technology to stage monitoring. The system creates virtual acoustic sources behind the enclosure itself and below the stage, using reflection rather than coercion to determine the shape of the wavefront. Unlike a conventional high-frequency waveguide in which the exit is rectangular, the Nexo monitor’s waveguide forms a ‘smile’, enabling cabinets to be linked together to form arrays without interference between wavefronts.
The design claims a very sharply defined dispersion pattern and a ‘huge improvement’ in level before feedback, and its low-profile design is well suited to live TV production.
The focused coverage also results in lower acoustic power on stage, with SPL and frequency response consistent up to 2.5m. A magnetic locking system joins multiple monitors together, allowing scalability for both coverage and SPL.
‘This is actually the first purpose-designed wedge that Nexo has ever made, although our best-selling PS15 cabinet is used for stage monitoring applications all over the world,’ says Technical Director François Deffarges. ‘We believe our design philosophy of line control will offer real benefits to engineers, performers and audiences.’
More: www.nexo-sa.com